客家珍珠肉圓 Hakka Style Meat Pie

材料 Ingredient
簡易肉圓皮的製作Easy Dough
for Taiwanese Meat Pie
1 份 portion
客家內餡 Hakka Style Meat Filling 1 份 portion
台灣小吃沾醬 Dipping Sauce for Taiwanese Snacks 隨意 As desired
香菜 Cilantro 隨意 As desired

食譜來源 Recipe Source:客家珍珠肉圓 (林美慧)

3.將每一小球的肉圓皮捏成中厚邊薄的圓碗狀。把一份餡 (大約2大匙)放在肉圓皮中心,肉圓片從邊緣拉向中心旋轉收緊。把做好的肉圓放在不沾粘烘培紙上。重複此步驟包完所有皮料和餡料。
4.蒸籠裡水燒開。 將肉圓放進蒸籠裡用大火蒸20分鐘。

1. Prepare the Easy Dough for Taiwanese Meat Pie. Divide it into 16 portion, and roll each portion to a ball.
2.Prepare the Hakka Style Meat Filling. Set it aside and let it cool completely.
3.Form one ball of dough to a bowl that is thick in the center and thin around the edge. Place a proper amount of the meat filling (approx. 2 tbs.) in the dough bowl, lift the edge of the dough toward the center, pinch the dough and seal the opening. Put the ball on a piece of parchment paper. Repeat this step for the rest of the dough and filling.
4.Bring the water in a steamer to a boil. Place the meat pies in the steamer and steam them at high heat for 20 minutes.
5.When the meat pies cool down, cover them with a little oil and place them in a plastic bag or container. Store them in a refrigerator. Reheat the meat pies in a steamer or poach them in low temperature oil.
6.Serve the meat pies with Dipping Sauce for Taiwanese Snacks and cilantro.

最後更新 (Last Update): 10/27/2013©
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